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Разработчик Addison Software, Inc.

OctoShell efficiently houses your OctoPi / OctoPrint printer session making it a standalone app. This creates a separate icon on the dock and frees up your browser for other things. OctoShell works just like running the OctoPi session from a browser but without all the inconvenience.

A 3D print can take anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days to finish. Thats a long time to tie up your browser. Thats where OctoShell comes in. In the past you would have the browser open pointing to an OctoPi session maybe in far the corner of a second monitor while you keep an eye on the printing process. The minute you click on a link in an email the standard browser operation opens up a new tab in the browser thats monitoring OctoPi. Now you have to grab that browser or the tab and drag it and resize it and place it where you want on the desktop messing up your perfectly sized printer status window. Another problem is bringing the OctoPi session to the front. Running OctoPi in a browser there is no icon for the session - you have to fumble through browser tabs to find it. OctoShell solves this by keeping your sessions in unique windows and tabs that retain their position and size across invocations and gives you a unique icon in the dock. OctoShells preferences makes it easy to setup and remember your connection to the printer.

We also have a version for iOS - check the iOS App Store!